Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Food for the Literary Soul #2

As you are reading this I'm tucked away in a quiet lake house, working feverishly on the still-secretly titled book two of the Crewel World trilogy.  Unless, of course, I've been hacked to bits by an axe murderer.  That's always a possibility when one stays at a secluded lake house.

Today's inspiration comes from the photographic art of Vania Stoyanova, whose the badass behind VLC Photo.

[caption id="attachment_474" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Copyright Vania Stoyanova. All rights reserved. Used with permission."][/caption]


Doesn't that make you want to tell a story?  Why don't you try in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Loved Crewel. I tried to get an ARC at BEA and was unsuccessful so I had to wait until it arrived on Friday. I loved every minute, but would feel much more comfortable recommending it to my students (MS Librarian) if I had some idea when the next one comes out. I was glad to read here that you are working on it! My husband and daughter will kill me if I give them anything else that is fantastic and has unpublished sequels. They would rather wait!
