Monday, October 03, 2011

An apology for my negligence

The line edits are turned in.  More on that in a later post with a scary picture of my copy.  Promise.

The portion of my brain occupied by line edits is now free again and learning how to function in the real world.  Give me a few hours.

This means more blogging, faster response to emails, finally finishing those guest posts and critiques I owe people, and some quality time with all you lovely people.  I owe you.

But for now, I clean my house.  Because it needs it.  You have no idea how much it needs it.


  1. Congrats on finishing the line edits! (Though cleaning your house doesn't exactly seem like just reward, does it?) :-P

  2. Glad you finished the line edits. It must feel good.

  3. Congrats on the edits! And I totally feel you about the house. The fallout zone from edits is surreal. And kinda moldy.

  4. Ugh, yes, it is, Elizabeth!

    And thank you all.

    Don't worry, Josin. I went shopping after.

  5. Wheeee! Congratulations on the line edits.

    You don't owe us a thing - certainly not an apology. :)

    Hope you rewarded yourself!

  6. Congrats on finishing those up - must be a massive relief!

  7. One of the hardest plights of writers is to find a good place to write! It's so hard to write from home and always prefer to be alone so I don't have any distractions also!

    Great post!

    Brittany Roshelle, The Write Stuff Blog

  8. Oops. I left my comment on your previous post!

    -Brittany Roshelle
